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METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR TEACHERS. Сайт открыт 19 сентября 2011 года
Методист: Хаматгалеев Эмиль Ринатович (//vk.com/id161026165)__________ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ__________
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Учителю ОБЖ /8 класс/

For teachers basics of life safety (Class 8) (translation of this page, see below)
Thematic and job scheduling on the basics of life safety, Grade 8
Standard of basic education on the basics of life safety (extraction).
Estimated thematic planning lessons for the course "Basics of Life Safety. Grade 8".
Job scheduling for the course "Basics of Life Safety. 8 CLASS"
Lesson 1: The concept of an accident, disaster, man-made emergencies and their classification. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 2. Brief description of accidents, disasters and man-made emergencies. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 3: The main causes and stages of development of man-made accidents. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 4. Fires. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5. Explosions. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 6. The conditions and causes of fires and explosions. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 7: Possible effects of fires and explosions. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 8. Fire safety measures and rules of safe behavior in fires and a bomb threat. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 9. Dangerous substances and objects. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 10. Characteristics of poisonous substances and their damaging factors. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 11: The causes and consequences of accidents on chemically hazardous objects. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 12. Rules and safety measures in case of accidents at Joo. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 13. The first aid to victims of poisonous substances. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 14. Synthesis lesson on the theme: "Fires, explosions and accidents with the release of poisonous substances." Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 15. Radioactivity and radiation hazardous objects. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 16. Ionizing radiation: nature, units, biological effects. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 17. Natural radioactivity. Characteristic lesions in radiation accidents and the principles of protection against ionizing radiation. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 18 Rules of conduct and action of the population when radioactive accidents and radioactive contamination. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 19. Hydrodynamic accident and waterworks. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 20. Causes, types and consequences of hydrodynamic accidents. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 21. Measures to protect the population from the effects of hydrodynamic accidents, rules of conduct at threat during hydrodynamic accidents. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 22. Hazardous and man-made emergencies. Safety and security of the person. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 23. Examination on "Dangerous and man-made emergencies. Safety and security of person." Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 24. Ecology and environmental safety. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 25. The biosphere and man. Air pollution, soil and natural waters. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 26. The concept of maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants. Brief description of the environmental situation in Russia. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 27. Synthesis lesson on "ecological imbalance". Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 28 Rules for cyclists and skaters. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 29. The basic concepts of the criminal responsibility of minors. How to protect themselves from crime. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 30. Synthesis lesson under the heading "Dangerous situations arising in daily life, and the rules of safe behavior." Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 31. Final Examination for the course of the 8th grade. Held Hamatgaleev ER
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