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METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR TEACHERS. Сайт открыт 19 сентября 2011 года
Методист: Хаматгалеев Эмиль Ринатович (//vk.com/id161026165)__________ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ__________
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ОБЖ. Тестовый контроль 10-11


Life Safety. Test control 10-11 (translation of this page, see below)

Life Safety. Test control 10-11

Features of the control of quality of knowledge of students on the course "Basics of Life Safety" in the modular structure of its construction.

Verification and test tasks for Grade 10.

Module I. Basic security of individuals, society and the state.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Module II. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Unit III. Ensuring the military security of the state.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Verification and test tasks for grade 11.

Module I. Basic security of individuals, society and the state.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Module II. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Unit III. Ensuring the military security of the state.
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Verification and test items to a high school student (the textbook "Fundamentals of Life Safety. Grade 10. Part 2: Fundamentals of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle).
Testing job. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Test assignments. Held Hamatgaleev E. P .:
Targets 220 250.
Tasks 251 to 300.
Tasks 301 to 350.
Tasks 351 to 400.
Tasks 401 to 450.
Tasks 451 to 500.
Tasks 501 to 550.
Tasks with 551 for 598.
Standard (the correct answer).

Answers to test tasks for Grade 10.
Answers to test tasks for Grade 11.
Answers to test tasks for the senior pupils (under the heading "Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy way of life").

DEMONSTRATION Keyguard test as an example for OF verification work.
Option №1 (for boys). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Option №2 (for boys). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Option №3 (for girls). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Option №4 (for girls). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Themes of abstracts.
Themes of abstracts. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Summaries for senior pupils. Held Hamatgaleev ER
APPROXIMATE exam fees for grade 11 educational institutions.
Approximate exam fees for the 11-class educational institutions. The examination conducted Hamatgaleev ER
Control (exam) questions for the girls on the program "Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle," 10-11. Examiner - Hamatgaleev ER

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