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Методист: Хаматгалеев Эмиль Ринатович (//vk.com/id161026165)__________ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ__________
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Учителю истории

FOR HISTORY TEACHERS (translations of this page, see below)



1. Календарно-тематическое планирование по истории Средних веков, 6 класс (по программе В. А. Ведюшкина). Составитель - учитель истории Хаматгалеев Э. Р. 

2. Календарно-тематическое планирование по российской истории, 6 класс (по программе А. А. Данилова). Составитель - учитель истории Хаматгалеев Э. Р. 


История древнего мира, 5 класс 
История Средних веков, 6 класс 
Российская история, 6 класс 


In English (you need to transfer the contents of these files into English)

1. Calendar-thematic planning in the history of the Middle Ages, Grade 6 (Programme Vedyushkina VA). Compiled - history teacher Hamatgaleev ER

2. Calendar-thematic plan of Russian History, Grade 6 (Programme A. Danilov). Compiled - history teacher Hamatgaleev ER

3. Plan Summaries of the lessons of history

Ancient History, Grade 5
Introductory lesson. Sources of knowledge of life of ancestors of modern peoples. Held teacher Hamatgaleev E. R. 
Lesson 1: The most ancient people. Held teacher Hamatgaleev E. R.
Lesson 2. Tribal communities of hunters and gatherers. The emergence of art and religious beliefs. Held teacher Hamatgaleev E R
Lesson 3: The emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 4. The emergence of inequality and nobility. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5. Invoice years in history. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5 (option 2). Score of years in history. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 6: Ancient Egypt. The state on the banks of the Nile. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 7: How farmers and artisans lived in Egypt. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 8. The life of the Egyptian nobles. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 9. The military campaigns of the Pharaohs. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 10. The religion of the ancient Egyptians. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 11: The Art of Ancient Egypt. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 12. Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 13. Ancient Egypt. Generalizing, repeating a lesson.
Lesson 14. Ancient Mesopotamia. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 15. The Babylonian king Hammurabi and his laws. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 16. Phoenician sailors. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 17. The Bible. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 18. Hebrew kingdom. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 19. Assyrian power. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 20. Persian Power "king of kings". Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 21. Nature and people of Ancient India. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 22. Indian caste. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 23. The lesson taught by the Chinese sage Confucius. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 24. The first ruler of a unified China. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 25. Ancient East (generalizing, refresher). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 26. The Greeks and Cretans. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 27. Mycenae and Troy. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 28. Homer's "Iliad." Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 29. Homer's "Odyssey". Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 30. Religion of the ancient Greeks. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 31. Attica Farmers lose land and freedom. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 32. The birth of democracy in Athens. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 33. Ancient Sparta. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 34. The Greek colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 35. The Olympic Games in ancient times. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 36. The victory of the Greeks over the Persians in the Battle of Marathon. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 37. Invasion of Persian troops in Greece. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 38. harbors Athenian port of Piraeus. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 39. In the city of the goddess Athena. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 40. Athenian schools and gymnasia. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 41. In the theater of Dionysus. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 42. Athenian democracy under Pericles. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 43 Cities Greece subject to Macedonia. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 44. The campaign of Alexander the Great in the East. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 45. In Alexandria, Egypt. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 46. Ancient Greece (generalizing, refresher). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 47. Ancient Rome. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 48. The conquest of Rome in Italy. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 49. The apparatus of the Roman Republic. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 50. The second war between Rome and Carthage. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 51. Establishment of the rule of Rome, around the Mediterranean. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 52. Slavery in ancient Rome. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 53. Land law Gracchus brothers. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 54. The revolt of Spartacus. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 55. Caesar's autocracy. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 56. The establishment of the empire of Rome. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 57. The neighbors of the Roman Empire. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 58 in Rome under the emperor Nero. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 59. The first Christians and their teachings. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 60. Rise of an Empire in the 2nd century. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 61. The "Eternal City" and its inhabitants. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 62. The Roman Empire under Constantine. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 63. The capture of Rome by the barbarians. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 64. Outcome-generalizing lesson. Held Hamtagaleev ER

Medieval History, Grade 6
Lesson 1: What is studying the history of the Middle Ages. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 2. The Migration and Education German states. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 3: Christian church in the early Middle Ages. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 4: The Empire of Charlemagne. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5. History of Western Europe in IX-XI centuries. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 6: Culture of early Middle Ages. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 7: Byzantine millennium. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 8. The culture of Byzantium. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 9. The formation of Slavic states. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 10: The birth of a new religion. (The emergence of Islam). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 11: The World of Islam. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 12. Peasants and lords. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 13. Chivalry and the peasantry. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 14. Medieval city. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 15. Craft and trade in medieval Europe. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 16. The Catholic Church: the path to the summit of power. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 17. Crusades. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 18. The Catholic Church in the fight against heretics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 19. France: The long road to unity. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 20. England from the Norman Conquest to the Parliament. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 21. Unfulfilled expectations of the German emperors. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 22. Culture of Western Europe in the XI-XIII centuries. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 23. Century disasters. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 24. The longest war in history. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 25. The hard way to the triumph of the royal power. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 26. Poland and the Czech Republic: the heyday. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 27. Crescent against the Cross. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 28. Culture of Western Europe in the XIV-XV centuries, new horizons. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 29. India and China in the Middle Ages. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 30. In the depths of Asia: the empire of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane power. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 31. Africa and the Americas. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 32. Control and summarizing a lesson. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Russian History, Grade 6

Lesson №1. Introduction. Compiled Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson №2. The ancient inhabitants of the country before the start of a new era. From primitive societies to civilization. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №3. Peoples and states in the spaces of our country in the I th. N. e. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №4. World Eastern Slavs in the early Middle Ages (VII-IX century). The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №5. The formation of the Old n state in the IX-X centuries. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №6. The reign of Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №7. Residents of Old Russian state. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №8. The flowering of ancient Russia in the time of Yaroslav the Wise (the first half of the XI century). The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №9. The collapse of the ancient Russian state (line XI-XII centuries). The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №10. Achievements of Russian culture IX - the beginning of XII century. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №11. The fragmentation of the Russian land. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №12. Vladimir-Suzdal in the XII-XIII centuries. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №13. Lord Novgorod the Great in the XII-XIII centuries. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №14. Mongol conquest in Asia and Europe. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №15. Russia between East and West. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №16. The Golden Horde in XIII-XIV centuries. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №17. Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №18. Strengthening the Moscow principality in the first half of the XIV century. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №19. Association of North-Eastern Russia around Moscow (the second half of the XIV century). The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №20. Culture Rus second half XIII - XIV century. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №21. Muscovy at the end of XIV - first half of the XV century: the internal strife and struggle against the Horde. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №22. The collapse of the Golden Horde. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №23. Russian lands in the second half of XV - the first third of the XVI century: from fragmentation to a single state. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №24. The centralized Russian state at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №25. Residents of the Russian state the second half of XV - beginning of XVI century. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER
Lesson №26. Russian Culture in the XV - beginning of XVI century. The lesson drawn up and carried out Hamatgaleevym ER


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