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METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR TEACHERS. Сайт открыт 19 сентября 2011 года
Методист: Хаматгалеев Эмиль Ринатович (//vk.com/id161026165)__________ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ__________
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ОБЖ, 7 класс

Учителю ОБЖ /7 КЛАСС/ 
For teachers basics of life safety (Grade 7) (translation of this page, see below)

Plan summaries of lessons basics of life safety in 7th grade
Lessons 1-2. Healthy lifestyle and its components. Healthy living habits. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 3-4. Healthy living habits. Communication with others. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5: The skills of a healthy lifestyle. Communication with others. How to overcome shyness. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 6. Stress and its effects on humans. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 7-8. Bad habits - it is dangerous. Alcohol. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 9: Bad habits. Drugs. The first trial of the drug - the beginning of the flight, which at the end of fall. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 10: Bad habits. Drugs. The drug trade. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 11: Bad habits. Drugs. Can I get rid of the addiction. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 12. Freedom and drugs. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 13. The spread of drug addiction. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 14. What is marijuana? Truth and lie about marijuana. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 15. Test work on "Bad habits". Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 16. Bad habits and their prevention. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 17-19. What is the danger? Fire. Safe behavior in the home in case of fire. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 20. Carcasses fire is in trouble not hit (game tutorial contest on the theme "Fire Safety Regulations"). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 21. Safety in the home. Ecology house. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 22-23. Standards of conduct and safety of young people. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 24-25. Personal safety. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 26. Strong, courageous, dexterous, skillful (the game). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 27-29. Safe behavior in transport. How to become literate passenger. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 30 Rules for cyclists. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 31. The behavior of students during accidents. Providing first aid to victims (practical training). Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 32. Examination of traffic rules. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lessons 33-34. First aid for wounds. Dressings. How to apply a bandage. Held Hamatgaleev ER

Option II
Lesson 1. Various natural phenomena and their causes. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 2. General characteristics of natural phenomena. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 3: Dangerous and natural emergencies. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 4. Earthquake. The causes of the earthquake and its consequences. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 5: Protecting the public from the effects of earthquakes. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 6. The rules of safe behavior of the population during an earthquake. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 7. The volcanoes, volcanoes, the location of volcanoes in the world. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 8. The effects of volcanic eruptions. Protecting the public. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 9. Landslides and their implications, the protection of the population. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 10 Landslides and avalanches. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 11. Hurricanes and storms, their causes and possible consequences. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 12. Protecting the public from the effects of hurricanes and storms. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 13. Tornadoes. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 14. Floods. Types of floods and their causes. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 15. Protecting the public from the effects of floods. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 16. Recommendations to the population for action when a threat during flooding. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 17. We sat down and their characteristics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 18. Protecting the public from the effects of mudslides. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 19. Tsunamis and their characteristics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 20. Protecting the public from the tsunami. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 21. Forest and peat fires and their characteristics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 22. Prevention of forest and peat fires, protection of the population. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 23. Epidemics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 24. Epizootic and epiphytotics. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 25. Psychological balance. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 26. Stress and its effects on humans. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 27. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person during adolescence. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 28. Formation of the person of the teenager in relations with adults. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 29. Formation of personality in relationships with peers. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 30. Forming relationships with peers of the opposite sex. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 31. Relations between teenager and society. Responsibility of Minors. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 32. General rules for first aid. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 33. First aid for external bleeding. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 34. First aid for bruises and fractures. Held Hamatgaleev ER
Lesson 35. General rules for the transportation of the victim. Held Hamatgaleev ER

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